Warning: 7 Shocking Ways Your CPA is Costing You More Than You Think - Palma Financial

Have you ever wondered if your CPA is costing you more than just their fee? You’re not alone. Many business owners are overpaying their taxes due to a lack of tax planning and proactive advice from their CPAs.

Here are the top 7 reasons why your CPA could be costing you more than you think:

🤦 Missed Opportunities: By the time you’ve gathered all your financial documents and met with your CPA, you may have already missed out on potential opportunities to save money and decrease your tax liability.

🤔 Lack of Expertise: The tax code is incredibly complex, and understanding its intricacies requires expertise in various fields, such as engineering and science.

🚨 Reactive Approach: Many CPAs take a reactive approach to tax planning, which can be costly.

💰 Excessive Fees: The economic cost of using a CPA is much higher since it includes the tax overpayment. To optimize wealth management and preservation, business owners should seek a tax advisor who will provide a return on investment or tax savings.

🗣️ Poor Communication: If you don’t feel your CPA is communicating with you regularly and keeping you informed about your finances, they may not be doing everything possible to help you save on taxes.

🤝 Lack of Regular Meetings: Quarterly meetings can help identify potential tax savings opportunities and avoid costly surprises.

💡 Lack of Tax Planning and Advisory: A proactive approach to tax planning can help identify opportunities to decrease tax liability and optimize wealth preservation.

Stop overpaying your taxes and take control of your finances with our personalized tax assessment. Discover how much your CPA has cost you in the last two years, and learn how much you could save this year with a more proactive approach to tax planning.

Don’t let your CPA cost you more than you think – 📅 book your assessment today at https://mpalma.com/contact/.

Take the first step towards financial freedom and book your assessment now. 💰💼