Your Company Is Under a Microscope! 12 Questions About BOI Answered - Palma Financial

Was your company created before 2024?

As part of the new Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), companies like yours are required to submit a Beneficial Ownership Information report (BOI) by the extended deadline of January 1, 2025 (equivalent to December 31, 2024).

Here are some key clarifications that may address your concerns:

  1. Must a BOI report be filed for owning a single rental property in an LLC? (Yes.)
  2. Is it necessary to file 10 BOI reports if you own 10 LLCs? (Yes.)
  3. Can non-lawyers like certified public accountants and enrolled agents file BOI reports for clients without violating unauthorized practice of law rules? (Uncertain.)
  4. Are registered agents accountable for filing BOI reports? (No.)
  5. Is filing required for the self-employed? (No.)
  6. Should a street address be listed in the BOI report? (Yes.)
  7. Do I need to file if I own a company with over 20 employees and $5 million in income? (No, you are exempt from filing.)
  8. Is a Social Security number required in the BOI report? (No.)
  9. Must an attorney be listed in the BOI report? (Possibly.)
  10. Is an updated BOI report necessary if a beneficial owner leaves the company? (Yes.)
  11. Should a minor child be listed in a BOI report? (No.)
  12. Will criminals submit BOI reports? (Unknown.)

The BOI report is filed online at a new federal database, BOSS (Beneficial Ownership Secure System), with no filing fee.

Contact us now to schedule your tax assessment and ensure a smooth and worry-free BOI filing.

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