Earn Rewards By Paying Your Taxes! - Palma Financial

Guess what?

Great News! Use your credit card to pay off your Federal and California tax balances.

How cool is that !? And the best part is that you might even earn some awesome credit card rewards, points, or cashback on your tax payment. Cha-ching!

But before jumping on this, one thing to remember: FEES! 

Yep, they’re always lurking around. So, make sure you take a good look at those before you make your decision.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has covered you for your federal taxes! Just visit: https://www.irs.gov/payments/pay-your-taxes-by-debit-or-credit-card

And to pay your California state taxes, head to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) website: https://www.ftb.ca.gov/pay/bank-account/index.asp

We’re all ears when it comes to seeking ways to simplify the complexity of your taxes and make them appear less daunting.

Book your mid-year tax review with us today here!

Remember, we got your back!